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Can Allbirds Repel a Copycat?


Allbirds, the trendy fast-growing shoe company co-founded by ex-All White Tim Brown, is facing a challenge from a copycat. Amazon has launched a new line of shoes that are strikingly similar to Allbirds' signature style.

Allbirds' Response

Allbirds chief executive Joey Zwillinger is not taking the threat lightly. He has accused Amazon of copying his company's designs and intellectual property. Allbirds has filed a lawsuit against Amazon, alleging trademark infringement and unfair competition.

Zwillinger says that he is confident that Allbirds will prevail in court. He believes that Amazon's shoes are too similar to Allbirds' to be considered original.

Amazon's Defense

Amazon has not yet commented on the lawsuit. However, the company has a history of defending itself against allegations of copying. In the past, Amazon has argued that its products are original and that it does not infringe on the intellectual property of other companies.

The Future of the Case

It is unclear how the lawsuit between Allbirds and Amazon will play out. However, the case could have a significant impact on the future of the shoe industry. If Allbirds wins, it could set a precedent for other companies that are facing similar challenges from copycats.
